Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mmm the end is sweet.

here ya go, suckers!


I win last official post.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

LifeTime Fitness GOLF!

Guess who won another one!

-Jewish Climber

Monday, December 8, 2008

Budget and Communication


We didn’t have to spend too much pocket money on this project. Besides gas, beer, cups, and the DV tapes, everything was set up ahead of time with free passes. Our rock climbing experience was sponsored, providing us with the equipment. We emailed Lifetime fitness and acquired free passes for a week so we could compete in the pool. They happened to have an awesome virtual golf club that we were lucky enough to access. The manager was extremely enthusiastic about our plan to record our games on video. We ended up doing a small promotional video for the golf center to put on You Tube.


We just stayed in touch through cell phones, Monday being the regular day of competition.
Emails and the telephone were used to communicate with the facilities.